英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:07:10
  • 网络解释

1. have contact with

1. 和...接触:be out of contact with与...失去联系 | have contact with和...接触 | lose contact with与...失去联系

2. have contact with

2. 与......联系:Gentile 非犹太人 | have contact with 与......联系 | count out 数出

3. 接触到...,和...有联系:6. masses of... 大量的 | 7. have contact with...接触到...,和...有联系 | 8. in exchange for... 交换


4. 与......有联系:from side to side 左右(摇摆) | have contact with 与......有联系 | live to be 活至

What's more, the EU navy was reportedly to be the first to have issued the news. Will China have contact with the EU on this case?(另外,有报道称是欧盟海军首先发布这条消息的,中方是否会就此与欧盟方面进行沟通?)
You are wrong. The truth is that they can't become true friends but have contact with each other.(你错了。事实上,他们也互相来往,只是不能成为真正的好朋友。)
I think that it's grossly overstated that one needs to have contact with the opposite sex right through the whole of life, in the classroom and outside the classroom and at all ages.(我认为,所谓的一个人需要在一生中保持与异性的接触——无论是课堂上还是课堂外,无论处于哪个年龄段——这种观点过分夸大了。)
I don't have much contact with my uncle.(我和叔父甚少联系。)
As I'm not there anymore, it's nice still to have contact with them and still give Arsenal my support.(尽管我已经不为阿森纳效力,和他们保持联系非常愉快,我依然支持阿森纳。)
I have contact with the lives of people around me, but this is a small slice of humanity, and perhaps not the most interesting slice.(我与生活在我周遭的人有接触,但这只是全人类的一小块儿,而且可能不是最有趣儿的一块儿。)
In the previous example, the problem boiled down to the perception that developers can't have contact with the customers because there are too many obstacles in the way.(在前面的实例中,问题归结为开发人员由于遇到了太多的障碍而不能与客户接触,从而利用自己的理解进行开发。)
You may set up either a file or an electronic directory on each club, adding information as you have contact with the club or receive club bulletins.(您可以每个扶轮社建立一个档案或是一个电子目录,然后将您与扶轮社联络的纪录或是收到的社刊继续归档。)
In some ways the consequences have been quite dire and I no longer have contact with my mother.(在某些方面,这可能会造成非常可怕的后果,以致后来母亲和我断了联系。)
We have our own system within Atos to see the evolution of cyber crimes, and we have contact with relevant authorities to share knowledge and information about what may happen.(我们有源讯公司的系统可以看到网络犯罪的演变,我们已经与相关部门联系,就可能发生什么事,共同分享知识和信息。)
have contact with是什么意思 have contact with在线翻译 have contact with什么意思 have contact with的意思 have contact with的翻译 have contact with的解释 have contact with的发音 have contact with的同义词